SEZ Online
Emblem of India

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Department of Commerce

Setting Up New SEZ / Unit                           Process Guidance Note : 1.  New SEZ       2.  New Unit
Registration for New User
(Fields marked in * are mandatory)
User Category *
User Id should be minimum 6 to maximum 11 characters in length. User Id can contain alphabets, numbers or Underscore, not starting with Underscore.
User Id *  
Password should be
- at least 8 characters and maximum of 16.
- include characters, numbers and special characters
- at least one capital letter
- should not have leading, trailing or intermediate spaces.
Password *
Confirm Password *
Company Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Designation *
Employee ID
Upload PAN Copy * (Type: pdf/jpeg/jpg/png, Size: upto 1 Mb)
Date of Birth *
Letter of Authorization (Type: pdf/jpeg/jpg/png, Size: upto 1 Mb)
Upload Photograph *
Phone No * + - -
Mobile * +
Fax No. * +  -  - 
Email Address *
DSC Serial No.
Certificate Authority
Upload Certificate Image
                                                                             (Type: jpg/gif/jpeg/png/pdf, Size: upto 1 Mb) Example
Enter Captcha *
Captcha Image
              I hereby declare and affirm that the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
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